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Showing articles from WBTVD tag

Where do I download the WBD Screeners app?

To install the app, search your device's app store for 'WBD Screeners': * **macOS** 12.0 or later- Available in the Apple App Store * **iOS (iPhone & iPad)** - Available in the Apple App Store * **Android (Phone & Tablet)** - Available in the Google Play Store * **tvOS (Apple TV Gen 4 and newer)** - Available…

How to setup OKTA Verify (MFA)- WBTVD clients (B2B)

If you are a WBTVD Client with access to early release WBD Screeners content, you will be required to use OKTA Verify multi-factor authentication (MFA). If a screener requires MFA Authentication, you will see a lock icon alongside the video. ![WBTVD][1] **WBTVD View** ![WBD Screeners View][2] **WBD Screeners View** …

Can I share this content or my login with family and friends?

**No. This is strictly forbidden. ** Due to anti-piracy restrictions, all titles that you are licensed to watch are watermarked both visibly and invisibly (forensically) with your name, IP Address, and a unique identifier for tracking. If assets with your License ID are flagged for unapproved purposes or shared with…

How to Setup OKTA Verify- WBD Screeners app and web

Those with access to early release WBD Screeners content, are required to use OKTA Verify multi-factor authentication (MFA). If a screener requires MFA Authentication, you will see a lock icon alongside the video. ![][1] **_How to Setup OKTA Verify - mobile (FIRST TIME SETUP)_** **OKTA verify must be downloaded on…

Register or Reset OKTA for WBD Employees

If you are a WBD employee with access to early release screeners, you will be required to use OKTA Verify multi-factor authentication (MFA). **_* YOU MUST BE CONNECTED TO THE CORPORATE NETWORK and VPN AND HAVE ACCESS TO BOTH A COMPUTER AND YOUR MOBILE DEVICE.*_** **Steps:** * From a desktop/laptop/computer, log i…

How do I get an Account? - Clients and Employees is our business-to-business (B2B) site which services our global clients and internal employees. Access requires an active account with Please note: /WBD Screeners is _not_ a consumer facing application and is not available to the general public. We apologize for any confusion. _For Ne…

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